Saturday, October 16, 2010

Julie Bowen is a no-show at Mommy program

In a conference with PARADE magazine, mom of three Julie Bowen admitted all kinds of funny tidbits about her life and motherhood. She shared: “I have signed my kids up for no end of Mommy & Me lessons and not shown up for a single one.” though, one article she won’t skip: protecting her kids.
She also exposed: “The unclean top secret is that I’m a very nervous one. I am continuously looking for the hole in the doughnut. My husband, Scott, doesn’t even know the doughnut has a hole – no one told him. He is the ideal compensate. He has a consoling result on me, and he’s fun.”As for life with three boys she said: “People always tell me I have a lot of guy energy. I’m less comfortable in stilettos than I am in running shoes. I am running to keep up with my three boys’ pretty well, but the 3-year-old is starting to be gripped with his man parts, and that’s a surprise.”


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